
Breede Centre Core Courses

Courses can be formal or informal

A formal course will be accredited and certificated after successful completion. An informal course will be a group of interested people coming together to learn from each other and share skills.

Long Courses

These are in-depth courses that run over one to three years and are accredited. Before a long course starts a SOCIAL ENTERPRISE is set up to support the practical and entrepreneurial training. Eg Woodwork; Building; Needlework; Cooking.
Currently there are 5 trainees attending a one year HANDYMAN course (building, plumbing, painting, electrical, woodwork).

 Supplementary Courses

These are aimed at general education and development and form an integral part of all long courses. They are modular courses that can also be given on their own. Eg: Art; Drama; Space and environment management; Life Skills; Social Responsibility; Entrepreneurship

Short Courses

These run over weekends or a few weeks – some accredited and some not. Eg Basic Computers, Accountancy, Administration, Woodwork, Needlework, Cooking, Gardening.

Breede Centre Support Courses

These are courses that support the core courses or are of a more general educational and developmental nature. Eg Maths, Homework support, Conversational English, Handy/practical mechanics, Afternoon and holiday activities, Social Support, Vocational education & training.

Breede Centre Complementary Activities

These are activities that can use the Breede Centre premises and organizations in the wider community network. Eg Micro Economic Forum, AA, Small Farmers Group.

After the courses…what?

Home Industries
We intend to assist in setting up home industries so that trained students can start small “industries” at home. This will involve providing them with machines and after training support.