Friday, 22 January 2016

Many blessings and New Beginnings ...

On Monday 11 January the Breede Centre opened its door again, welcoming regular staff, trainees and youth leaders and new ones. All felt that this is going to be a great year where all the work of the previous years comes together to finally bring into reality what has been dreamt of long ago by Pieter Holloway, the manager.

The first realization is that the one year HANDYMAN COURSE has officially started with 5 trainees. Apart from hands on practical training in woodwork, building, plumbing and painting, they will also be led through a more formal process leading to them being able to create and implement with great skill. And not to forget the personal development that comes with this supported by artistic activities and life skills training.

Dawid, assistant trainer, is gaining valuable skills in guiding and training these youngsters.
For this course the Centre is receiving funding from the Province West-Flaanders in Belgium, through the mediation of Curieus-L, an Belgian organization of which our most cherished supporter, Rita Lombaert, is a member.

The SCREENPRINTING social enterprise has taken off with the added support of Eugene, a marketer who became a McGregor resident recently. A NEEDLEWORK course will be on offer in the near future. This is definitely moving up another level.

The room destined to become the kitchen housing the COOKING enterprise and training has been cleared and is waiting to have floor covering installed the end of February. Then it is all systems go to install the professional kitchen and to start.
It is once again the Province of West-Flaanders who has donated the funding for the purchase and installation of the kitchen equipment.

GARDENING has become such a vital part of the Breede Centre that of course this will continue and develop this year under the guidance of Judy Eccles as is the MEN AT WORK project. The intention is to further stimulate home vegetable gardening. Produce from the garden is for sale at the Saturday market and will of course be made into delicious dishes during the cooking courses.

Pieter intends to give at least eight ENTREPRENEURSHIP courses in McGregor and other the other towns of the Langeberg Municipality. This four day intensive course has proven very popular and funding has been received from the entrepreneurial  Martin Family in Germany who themselves run two companies.

Last but not least is the COMPUTER course which Pieter intends to run eight times this year. This popular basic course runs over 10 weeks with two sessions of one hour a week. Several people sponsored a local to receive a computer course via the GivenGain website.

Volunteers came forward to assist with the setting up of a LOCAL NEWSLETTER which will inform ALL residents in the village not only of what the Breede Centre but what the whole village has to offer. Community development updates will complete the picture.

Now to our other part of the work done at the Breede Centre, the YOUTH ACTIVITIES. The AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES started on Monday 18 January with an improved schedule to accommodate everyone's needs. We welcomed our new youth leaders Delmaine and Jody who are eager to work with the children.

And although the first day there were not that many children by the fourth day forty children enjoyed two hours of storytelling, games, art and craft activities, play and a snack. Once the rhythm is settled an added hour will help those children who want help with their homework.

Mary Corpe, local dance teacher, is offering BALLET classes on Monday's and Thursdays and will be preparing the children to perform in the play The Wizard of Oz shown later this year. Funding from the Nussbaum foundation was received to support this important work.

This year the intention is to organize five HOLIDAY ACTIVITY weeks during school holidays.

Later in the year this section hopes to also develop activities for children of grade 6 and older; ideas being: a film club, a dance afternoon, a science club, sport and games, etc.

The youth programme is generously supported by the South Africa Foundation (SPZA), the Netherlands, the King Baudouin Foundation, Belguim and Ulrika Eller Reuter from Alanus University, Germany.

ACADEMIC SUPPORT has already started with Pieter giving extra mathematics classes for grade 6,7 and 8 while the Primere skool can also ask for support with languages and maths for the lower grades.
There is also the idea of starting a reading club and mathematics club at the school for grades 1 to 3. This to support the teachers in their work and to add some fun activities for the children perhaps once or twice a week in the form of storytelling, puppetshows, maths games, etc. Local volunteers will be sought to implement this programme.

So there you have it... our year in a nutshell.

If you want to add to our blessings and donate towards any of the programmes please feel free to do so. Please mention your name in the reference and write an e-mail to to say which programme you want your donation used for.

Click on the button MAKE A DONATION and all the banking details will be revealed to you.

Hope you will receive many blessings this year too so that you can also have many new beginnings.

Warmest Regards,
Youth Coordinator