The activity of KNITTING has many faces as seen at the Breede Centre
For two hours each Thursday The Breede Breiers gather to knit together. As each one concentrates on the knitting at hand a cup of tea and a biscuit is enjoyed and they share: information, expertise, experiences, laughter and news. Community projects are finalized and new ones decided upon. Lovingly knitted knee blankets were recently handed to the elder in the village to ward of the cold during the winter months. Scarves for grade 1 and 2 children are the next project to tackle.
The Breede Breiers did teach a number of children how to knit but recently it was decided that the teaching was now the task of the youth leaders during the afternoon activities.
And that has proven to be a resounding success!! Girls and boys alike have chosen to learn to knit. Some have fingers that learn very quickly and some need guidance for a longer time. The words IN, OM, UIT en AF are a continual chant as they learn. Once the skill is acquired the children enjoy choosing different colours to liven up their work.These otherwise quite noisy and busy children concentrate and grow calm and quiet. They are not even tempted to go play outside! To the very last minute they knit.
It is is proven that knitting improves:
- Fine motor coordination
- Reading
- Math
- Comprehension
- Critical thinking and problem-solving
addition, knitting and crochet are valuable tools for "teaching life
- Responsibility—Students are responsible for keeping their knitting clean and organized
- Ability to focus and follow through—Learning these skills is a step-by-step process
- Persistence—Projects take time and patience to complete
- Using available materials—Challenge students to be creative with the materials they have to work with
- Personal hygiene—Students quickly learn dirty hands mean dirty yarn.
All skills the children are in great need of to enhance their learning and success at school and in their lives.
The Breede Centre, a skills training Centre, is very happy to see that these children have taken to knitting so wholeheartedly.